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Personalization for Adapting to Change

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These are different and challenging times for everyone, and you've likely settled into a new rhythm of distance learning and working from home. So why are we suggesting that you put another major initiative like web personalization on your plate? It’s because now, more than ever, it’s important to connect, show your deep appreciation for each individual visiting your site, and provide an exceptional user experience.

With this in mind, we're inviting you to join us Tuesday, May 5 at 2:00pm EDT for "Personalization - Your Superpower for Adapting to Change", a webinar featuring Sandra Fancher, Chief Innovation Officer of Stamats, and Kat Liendgens, CEO of Hannon Hill.

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Topic: Personalization—Your Superpower for Adapting to Change
Date & Time: Tuesday, May 5 at 2:00pm EDT
Presenters: Sandra Fancher, Chief Innovation Officer of Stamats, & Kat Liendgens, CEO of Hannon Hill


In this webinar we'll discuss the basic concepts of personalization, defining an appropriate strategy for your journeys, getting started, making your implementation scalable, avoiding common errors, and measuring results. Kat and Sandra will also highlight real-life examples and tools available to implement your strategy.

Register for Webinar

We look forward to seeing you there. Please email marketing@hannonhill.com with any questions.



Last Updated: Apr 22, 2020 11:00 AM

Photo of Daisy Perper

Daisy Perper
Marketing Specialist

