We love bringing you new Clive features when we can, but we also work to continuously improve Clive in small ways every day. Here are the latest improvements from the past few weeks.
Default Sites - If you have multiple sites to organize your content in Clive, you may have a particular site you do most of your work in. You can now get to your content quicker by choosing a default site to be taken to right when you log in. In the Sites menu, click the check mark next to a site to set it as your default site. Making a site your default site also pushes it to the top of the Sites list and you can change it at any time by selecting a different site.

More readable form submission exports - We've freshened up the look of CSV exports of form submissions. You'll notice some additional formatting and submission timestamps that are both human readable and sortable.
Suggestions when personalizing on the State field - When personalizing content on the built-in State field, you'll now get a list of states as suggestions in the value dropdown.
More accessible forms - We want forms to be accessible to all, so we've made key improvements to forms focused on visitors using assistive technologies.

Last Updated: Aug 6, 2020 11:00 AM