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How to Create a Strategic Content Calendar For Higher Ed Marketers

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WebP - How To Create a Strategic Content Calendar For Higher Ed Marketers
Maintaining a consistent online presence is essential for engaging prospective students, nurturing current ones, and fostering connections with alumni.

A well-organized content calendar is a roadmap for your marketing efforts, ensuring that your messaging aligns with your institution's goals and resonates with your target audience. 

In this blog post, we'll explore the how-to’s and process of creating a content calendar tailored specifically for higher education marketers.

What Is A Content Calendar and Why Do I Need One?

A content calendar is a tool for scheduling and organizing marketing content, ensuring consistent, strategic dissemination that aligns with your institution's goals. 

Content calendars prevent last-minute scrambles and misaligned efforts, facilitate performance tracking, and enhance content resonance with your audience.  

It helps streamline marketing processes, aligns content with strategic goals, and maintains a consistent presence across platforms, making it an essential asset for effective marketing.

How To Get Started: Define Your Marketing Goals

Before diving into the details of your content calendar, it's crucial to establish clear and measurable marketing objectives. 

Consider the following questions: 

  • Are you looking to increase enrollment numbers and attract prospective students to your institution?
  • Is enhancing brand awareness among your target audience a priority?
  • Where along in the journey are you trying to meet your audience?
  • Do you aim to promote specific academic programs or initiatives to drive interest and engagement?
  • Are you seeking to strengthen connections and engagement with your alumni community?
  • What level of personalization will you bring to better engage your audience?

With clearly defined marketing objectives, you provide direction and focus for your content strategy, guiding the types of content you create and distribute through your content calendar.

This strategic approach ensures that your content efforts are purposeful, impactful, and aligned with the broader goals of your institution.

Understand Your Audience

Schools have diverse audiences, including prospective students, current students, parents, alumni, faculty, and staff.

Each group has distinct needs, interests, and preferences when it comes to content consumption.

Things like desktop versus mobile consumption can see a greater increase in engagement, as we saw a 45.59% web traffic increase at Belhaven University when they created a more user-friendly mobile site.

Conduct thorough research to understand your target audience segments' demographics, behaviors, and preferences, and remember:

If you market to everyone, you market to no one. 

That’s especially important in regards to the looming demographic enrollment cliff where these types of insights will inform the kind of content you produce and the channels you use to distribute it.

Establish Themes and Pillar Messaging

Creating a content calendar that provides value and relevance to your audience and aligns with your institution's brand identity and strategic goals requires careful planning and organization.

Consider the following areas to build specific messaging around:

Academic Programs

Showcase the depth of your academic offerings, highlighting unique programs, faculty expertise, and student achievements.

Student Life

Provide insights into campus culture, extracurricular activities, student organizations, and student success stories to give prospective students a glimpse of campus life.

Career Services

Offer resources, tips, and advice to support students' career development, including internships, job placements, resume writing, and networking opportunities.


Share research initiatives, faculty publications, and interdisciplinary collaborations to showcase your institution's contributions to knowledge creation and innovation.

Community Outreach:

Highlight community partnerships, service-learning initiatives, and volunteer opportunities that demonstrate your institution's commitment to social responsibility and community engagement.

Plan Content Cadence and Distribution Channel

Determine the frequency and timing of your content publication based on audience preferences, platform algorithms, and marketing objectives.

Consider the optimal times to reach your audience on various channels, including social media, email newsletters, blogs, and website updates.

Balance your content mix to provide a variety of formats, including articles, videos, infographics, podcasts, webinars, and user-generated content. 

According to a recent New York Times article, there are a few content marketing trends that will be on the rise, including highly personalized content, videos, and more.

A few to name with high mentions:

Collaborate Across Departments

Effective content marketing in higher education thrives on collaboration and coordination among various departments within the institution. 

Here are some ideas to engage departments across campus and ensure that your content calendar reflects the collective efforts of the entire organization:

Cross-Departmental Brainstorming Sessions and Workshops

  • Host brainstorming sessions that bring together teams (and even students) from different departments to ideate and generate creative content ideas.
  • Pair staff members from admissions, enrollment, academic departments, and alumni relations to develop engaging stories, testimonials, and multimedia content that highlight the unique aspects of your institution.

Content Swap Days

  • Implement a "content swap" initiative where departments exchange content assets, resources, and expertise to diversify their content offerings.
  • For example, the admissions department could share student testimonials with academic departments to showcase real-life success stories, while academic departments could provide faculty expertise for blog posts or webinars.

Collaborative Content Calendar Platforms

  • Use project management tools, like Monday or RoboHead or content calendar platforms, like Hootsuite, that allow departments to contribute, track, and coordinate content initiatives in real time.
  • Centralize content planning, scheduling, and distribution processes to ensure transparency, accountability, and alignment of goals across departments.

Joint Campaigns and Events

  • Partner with multiple departments to organize joint campaigns, events, or initiatives that leverage the collective strengths and resources of the institution.

Incorporate Flexibility and Agility

While it's essential to plan and stick to your content calendar, it's also important to remain flexible and adaptable in response to real-time events, trends, and feedback.

Leave room in your calendar for spontaneous content opportunities, such as timely news stories, trending topics, or user-generated content. Monitor the performance of your content regularly and be prepared to adjust your strategy based on analytics and audience feedback.

Measure and Iterate

Track key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate the effectiveness of your content marketing efforts and identify areas for improvement.

Measure metrics such as:

  • Website traffic
  • Social media engagement
  • Email open rates
  • Lead generation
  • Conversion rates 

Then you can use analytics tools to gain insights into audience behavior, preferences, and content performance. Continuously review and refine your content calendar based on data-driven insights to optimize your marketing strategy over time.


Creating a content calendar that aligns with your marketing goals requires careful planning, audience insights, collaboration, and flexibility.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, higher education marketers can develop a strategic roadmap for their content marketing efforts that drives engagement, builds brand awareness, and achieves measurable results.


Last Updated: May 16, 2024 11:00 AM

Photo of Rita Winthrop

Rita Winthrop
Content Creator
