Cascade Administration

External Link Checking Preferences


External Link Checking preferences allow administrators to configure system-wide external link checking behavior and functionality. These preferences impact areas of the application such as Broken Link Report, on-submit content checks for broken links and broken link checking during the publishing process.

External Link Checking preferences are available to users who have access to the Administration Area and the ability to edit system preferences enabled in their System Role.

To edit the External Link Checking preferences, click the system menu button (  ) > Administration > External Link Checking.


  • Check External Links - Determines whether external links are checked during on-submit content checks, publishing, and the Broken Link Report generation.
  • External Link Check Timeout - The duration (in milliseconds) the system will wait for a response for external links.

Valid Response Codes

Valid Response Codes can be used to exclude external links which return a non-successful response code from the remote server during on-submit content checks and publishing. The Broken Link Report will also exclude these links by default, but they can be displayed using a filter. For example, add 429 to the valid response codes if you wish to exclude all external links that returen a 429 response code. View common HTTP response codes.

Allowed URLs

Links starting with Allowed URLs will not be checked or reported by the Broken Link Report, Publish Reports, or on-submit content check for broken links. Allowed URLs can be used to permanently exclude websites which require login or otherwise block the Cascade CMS link checker from results. These URLs apply across the entire system.

  • URL - Links starting with the given URL will not be checked or reported. If the URL uses the https protocol, matching links with http will also match.
  • Include Subdomain - When checked, any sub-domain within the URL's hostname will match.
Note: adding an Allowed URL will not immediately change results of a Broken Link Report. The Allowed URL will be used during the next report generation.