
Content Up For Review Report


Content Up for Review Report Results

The Content Up For Review report provides a list of assets that have upcoming or past-due review dates.

  • Page or file type assets may be considered stale.
  • Only assets for which the user has write access are included in the results.
  • Only assets with a date/time specified in their Review Date metadata fields are included in the results.

The list of results contains the following information:

  • Name - The name of the asset and an asset link.
  • Review Date - The date/time specified in the asset's Review Date metadata field. Hover over the entry in this column for an exact date/time.
  • Owned By - The username of the owner of the asset.
  • Last Updated - The time the asset was last modified. Hover over the entry in this column for an exact date/time.
  • Last Updated By - The username of the user who last modified the asset.

Filtering the Report

Content Up for Review Report Filters

The following filters are available to refine the results of the report:

  • Site - A site must be selected to display report data.
  • Overdue content or content due in __ days - Manually enter for how many days from the current date that an asset would be considered up for review, or select from the dropdown of common values.
  • Asset Type - Choose whether page and/or file assets are displayed in the results.
  • Show only content I own - When this option is enabled, only assets that you are the owner of are displayed in the results.
  • Restrict to folders - To restrict the results list to assets within certain folders, click Choose Folder and select a folder. Repeat these steps to add additional folders to the results list.

Send a Stale Content Notification

Stale Content Report Send Notification

 To send a stale content email notification:

  1. Select one or more assets from the results list.
  2. Click the Notify by Email envelope icon at the top of the list.
  3. Click Choose Users and Groups and select users/groups to receive the notification email. You may also enter a comma-delimited list of email addresses.
  4. Optionally, add a message to the notification recipients. By default, the system will send the user an email containing a brief description and link to the asset needing review.
  5. Click Notify. An email will be sent using the email options configured in your System Preferences.
Note - To send a stale content email notification, users need the Notify users by email about stale content ability enabled in their Site Role.

Schedule a Review Date

Stale Content Report Schedule Review Date

To schedule a review date:

  1. Select one or more assets from the results list.
  2. Click the Schedule Review calendar/clock icon at the top of the list.
  3. To schedule a recurring review, enable Review on a Schedule and select an interval from the options provided:
    • Every Month
    • Every 3 Months
    • Every Year
  4. To schedule a single review in the future, disable Review on a Schedule and select a review date from the options provided:
    • 1 month from now
    • 3 months from now
    • 1 year from now
    • Calendar (Date Selection)
  5. Click Schedule Review. This will update the asset Review Date metadata field to the specified date. Modifying an item’s Review Date does not change the item’s Last Modified date.

Export Results as a CSV File

Information visible in the Content Up For Review report can be exported as a CSV file using the Export CSV link in the top right corner. The file will also contain information about the current user, site name, and type of report.