The {auth} placeholder




  • The user's API Key can be provided within the request's Authorization header as a Bearer token.
    Example: Authorization: Bearer 27c03f58-7c79-45d1-aa8f-76d697bbb10d
  • The user's username and password can be provided within the request's Authorization header using a Basic authentication string, which is a base64-encoded string containing username:password.
    Example: Authorization: Basic am9obi5zbWl0aDpqb2huMTIz
  • Request parameters u and p for username and password, or apiKey for the user's API Key.
    Examples: u=john.smith&p=john123 OR apiKey=27c03f58-7c79-45d1-aa8f-76d697bbb10d
  • Authentication can also be provided in body in JSON format for POST requests only.
    "authentication": {
     "username": "john.smith",
     "password": "john123"

    "authentication": {
     "apiKey": "27c03f58-7c79-45d1-aa8f-76d697bbb10d"