Common Error Messages

PageRenderException: Could not transform with Script format

When previewing a page, you may see a full-page error of the type Could not transform with Script format... . This indicates that a Format responsible for rendering part of the page's content is encountering an error. The path to the Format in question will be included in the first half of the...

Sorry, workflow is required to be able to continue but no workflows are available to you.

This error means that the user's Site Role doesn't allow them to Bypass workflow, but there isn't an applicable workflow available for the type of action they're taking. If your site uses workflow: Edit the appropriate Workflow Definition and ensure the user's Group is included in the Groups...

Login Failed

This article describes steps that Administrators can take to troubleshoot failed login attempts for their users. Note: If you are an end user receiving this message when you attempt to log in, pay special attention to uppercase and lowercase letters in your username as the system is case...

Invalid XML: The prefix "o" for element "o:p" is not bound

If you receive this error when trying to create or submit changes to an asset, there may be <o:p> tags in the source code of your editor that will need to be removed or converted to regular <p> tags before the asset can be submitted. Usually these tags are leftovers from pasting...

Table headers are poorly structured

If your content contains a table, you may see this error during accessibility checks: Table headers are poorly structured Based on the standard being violated, 1.3.1 Info and Relationships, the cause may be that your table header cells lack scope attributes "to associate header cells and data...

Header message of length [] received but the packetSize is only []

Problem The size of the request header exceeds what's configured for the application. Solution Edit your tomcat/conf/server.xml configuration file and add a packetSize="65536" attribute to the appropriate connector. For example, change: <Connector port="8009" protocol="AJP/1.3"...

Parameters missing

This article describes steps to take when you receive a 'Parameters missing' error while attempting to submit a file or page. The error message may appear when the amount of data being sent during a submission is larger than allowed by your application server's Tomcat configuration. For example,...

Secure LDAP sync fails after upgrade to Cascade CMS v8.11

Cascade CMS v8.11 comes bundled with a newer version of Java (JRE 8u191). This newer version of the JRE enables endpoint identification algorithms for LDAPS servers for added security. The change was included in JRE 8u181+ and more information on it can be found in the Oracle/Java Release Notes....

Error constructing implementation

When attempting to perform an operation that relies on SSL/TLS, you may see errors like the following: Error constructing implementation (algorithm: Default, provider: SunJSSE, class:$DefaultSSLContext) This is generally due...

The index block with path {path} renders too much data

This message is displayed when an Index Block in the system renders a large amount of data and reaches the limit configured in the system Preferences. The size at which the application will stop rendering an Index Block can be configured by doing the following: Navigate to Administration >...

Could not reset lucene directory

This particular error message generally appears in the log files as: ERROR [SearchServiceImpl] Could not reset lucene directory, assets will not be added to search index: Cannot delete /path/to/Cascade CMS/tomcat/indexes/xxxxx The underlying problem is typically caused by the...

Search failed: no segments file found

Users attempting to perform a search within Cascade CMS may run into an error similar to the one below: Search failed: no segments* file found in To correct this problem, an Administrator should log into the system and follow the steps outlined here to rebuild...

Could not get file content for lucene indexing

Users may see an error similar to the following when viewing the tomcat/logs/cascade.log file: ERROR [SearchWorkerImpl] : Could not get file content for lucene indexing: com.hannonhill.cascade.model.render.file.FileRenderException: Could not fetch contents of file...

Could not create index writer

Error messages similar to the following may appear in the tomcat/logs/cascade.log file: Could not create index writer: obtain timed out: @/usr/local/Cascade_Server/tomcat/indexes/write.lock To correct this problem, the following steps should...

Invalid XML character was found in the element content of the document

When submitting an asset (like a Page or Block), users may encounter messages similar to the following: Invalid XML: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x2) was found in the element content of the document. In this particular case, the system has identified a control character (0x2) as appearing...

Your roles do not allow you to advance workflow

This error indicates that the user's Site Role doesn't allow them to assign a Workflow to themselves or approve steps in a Workflow. To solve this, follow the steps below: Navigate to Menu -> Administration -> Roles. Edit the user's Site Role (the one they are inheriting for the Site in...