Database Errors

Packet for query is too large

When uploading a file into Cascade CMS, users may see an error similar to the following message:

An error occurred during editing: Error persisting this bean to storage:
com.mysql.jdbc.PacketTooBigException: Packet for query is too large
(####### > #######). You can change this value on the server by setting
the 'max_allowed_packet'variable.

This error means that the file being uploaded is greater than the maximum size allowed by MySQL.

To correct this problem, modify the max_allowed_packet value in the my.cnf / my.ini file (located in the root directory of MySQL) and specify a larger value. For example, in the [mysqld] section add:


MySQL will require a restart after this change has been made. For more information on the max_allowed_packet setting, see MySQL's official documentation.