
How can I enable request logging for Cascade CMS?

Request logging for the application can be configured by taking the following steps:

  • Stop Cascade CMS
  • Edit the file tomcat/conf/context.xml
  • Within the active <Context> element (for example, just before the closing </Context> tag), enter the following:
    <Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.AccessLogValve"
    directory="logs" prefix="cascadecms_request." suffix=".log" 
    pattern="%t %U %a %m %H %b %h %s" resolveHosts="false" />
  • Start Cascade CMS

Using the sample configuration above, the request log will be created in the tomcat/logs directory and appear as cascadecms_request.log. Assuming there has been activity within the CMS, the contents of the file will look similar to the following:

[13/Dec/2022:13:51:35 -0500] /ajax/navigationtree.act GET HTTP/1.1 731 200
[13/Dec/2022:13:51:36 -0500] /render/page.act GET HTTP/1.1 4285 200
[13/Dec/2022:13:51:36 -0500] /renderfile/355799867f0000010020a239cfb967ab/files/css/hh-standard.css GET HTTP/1.1 485 200
Note: Additional parameters and options for request logging can be found in the official Apache Tomcat docs.
Note: It is not currently possible to output the Cascade CMS username within the requests. Using the remote IP address for requests; however, you can utilize the Audit functionality (filtered by type "Login") to see corresponding IPs of Users.