We’ve found that HTML coded designs that follow the recommendations below usually result in a speedier turn around and consistently provide a cleaner, more efficient implementation which normally allows for the flexibility of additional options and/or customizations.
1. Use HTML framework, something like the latest stable version of Bootstrap but any well documented framework should work. This will allow us to easily make any necessary changes/fixes if needed during implementation and/or User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
2. Do NOT use IDs for CSS styling of content components. IDs should be unique on the page and will be dynamically created depending on the content. IDs on headers, footers, and navigations should be fine.
3. If possible, classes on the body element should only be used if it’s not going to change and/or if used for different templates.
4. Most content sections are reused on most pages, they should be consistent in the following:
5. WYSIWYG content area styling should be kept to a minimum. If wrapped in an element, it should be a div or a section element. If classes are needed within the content area, single classes should be used. If possible, to style links, bullets, buttons, etc. inside of a content area, target the parent container. For example: ".class p" instead of "p.class". If possible, please refrain from using attributes in tags.
6. Consistency throughout in general. For example, two sections look totally different but basically contain the same content: heading, content, links, etc. Each element has its own class: “.heading”, “.content”, “.link”. They should be styled using the parent container. Example: “.section1 .heading”, “.section2 .heading”, etc. and NOT “.section1-heading”, “.section2-heading”. This allows us to reuse a majority of our code which helps with speed and efficiency.
7. Make the HTML XHTML compliant according to these standards: https://www.w3schools.com/html/html_xhtml.asp
8. If the design calls for a repeatable element (i.e. cards, featured items, etc.) we will need to know the minimum and maximum allowed for that element. If the HTML differs for each count we will need HTML examples for each count. No maximum is an acceptable max.
9. If you are planning on customizing the designs of our example sites, we recommend that you try to customize using CSS only, if possible.